Friday, September 21, 2012

19 months...and a cold.

It was bound to happen, but I really thought it wouldn't happen until later in the season. Either way we've got a cold. I am hoping it will be short lived. I noticed Addison was stuffy Saturday morning so I immediately started her on the nebulizer treatments 3-4 times a day. By Sunday she had shared her germs with Blake and what do ya know thanks to all the snot rubbing, Jake and I got it too. I am feeling better already I hope, and hope the rest of them aren't far behind me.

Let me tell you just how fun it is to convince two toddlers to stay still and not pull off the face mask for 15 minutes. Really fun. I don't recommend trying it at home lol. But its working and they seem to be on the mend too. I have been forcing two naps a day (or trying to) so they get enough rest too.

Anyway. All that being said, sometime overnight they turned 19 months old. Where has the time gone?

They are moving all over the place and CLIMBING on anything and everything. Still just a few steps here or there for Miss Addison, but Blake, man...whew. He is running everywhere. We have been trying to get to the park a few times a week and he enjoys chasing after the other kids and being "a big kid" or so he thinks. He is going so much that he literally wore holes in his "pre-walker" shoes. It was time anyway. Their feet are growing so fast. So we had to buy new shoes for both of them... SIZE 4...what in the world.

Recently Blake has mastered climbing on the couch and yelling.. "I jump" and trying to scare me buy pretending to dive. Today he did. And he cried, but he was ok. They both have figured out how to move their activity table and climb on to that to get a better look out the window.

And the sibling rivalry is in full swing. Heaven help me. Someone throws a tantrum 243542365426 times a day because the other has stolen a toy, cup, or Mommy.

I am really enjoying this age though. They are learning to communicate a little better everyday which helps A LOT. Blake also requested several times a day that I call Pop-Pop and he is actually starting to talk to him on the phone rather then just giggling and being silent. Addison, she is my Mom-Mom's girl and says "call mom momma" until I do and then she repeats "Hi momma, Hi Momma." Over and over. Tonight my grandmother said "Who is it?" And she answered "Adson" Melts my heart. I am blessed indeed.

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