Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Good News Tuesday!

Today was Addison's routine GI check up. First of all who in their right mind schedules and appointment for a 8am? Like seriously WHAT MOM OF TWINS would do this to herself? Keep in mind I am not a morning person... AT ALL! But, I'll stop whinning be honest and say that 1) I was very lucky because Jake was off work today which meant he was able to get Addison ready, while I got myself ready, hence giving me some extra time to sleep. (Whooo!) And we decided that it would just be easier if I flew solo with Addison while he got some man time with Blake.

It was all worth it in the end because this was by far the best appointment in a long time. Her GI Doc just got herself a nice new office in a nice location (right across from the mall! But no we didn't get to shopping after the appt, but it's ok really). Anyway, the new office was very nice. Much more kid friendly and because we were the first appointment of the day, rather then waiting HOURS (yes not kidding), we were seen within the hour. And out the door long before we would have been previously.

So while we were there I had a long list of things to talk about and progress to discuss. I found out that her Upper GI Study and MBS (Modified Barium Swallow) were both NORMAL (Thank the good LORD!) We talked about volumes and calories and what Addison was "safe" to eat/drink. GI changed her Pedisure to a higher calorie count so that we can go from 4 to 3 feedings a day and still get her all the calories she needs. And we talked about what our game plan would be for her actually eating by mouth and how we would balance that to make sure she is still gaining weight and getting all her nutrients. She offered us a appetite stimulant to hopefully encourage her hungry cues and therefor make her want to eat more, more often. We'll also be talking with the Nutritionist to work on some high calorie foods to compensate for her small appetite right now. (Also keep in mind, she can only handle a certain volume because of her Nissin, so we have to be careful with that. Otherwise poor girl feels bloated and may start coughing and feeling some pressure.)

GI was so happy with all the progress she has been making and she actually said some words that scare me we have been waiting to hear for a long time. We know we are getting close to our goal. And of course with all good news we celebrate. Addison decided she would celebrate by refusing to eat much of anything for lunch. STINKER! She was in rare form today, silly girl.

Here's a pic of her being silly at the doctor's office...

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