Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shaking off the dust...

How in the world has it been months since I've last blogged? Where has the time gone?

Well... I'm back, because I have lots to say. And some big updates on the twins.

So let's start here...

Two years ago today I started running for the first time, EVER. Needless to say, I fell off the wagon, got back on, fell off... you get the point right? But today I figured what better day to get back on track. So I did.

I tossed on my running clothes, packed everyone a lunch and loaded the car. We hit the park and Addi and Blake ate their lunch in the stroller while I started over with Day 1 of C25k. A few things I noticed along the way included the fact that Holy Cow is that big stroller and two preschools a lot harder to push! They pretty much walk everywhere we go these days so the stroller has been collecting dust too. So there's that, and the fact that ... shew... I am still not in the shape I want to be in. But we cover a mile and quarter. Then I watched them conquer the playground while I soaked in some sun.

I even remembered the sun screen this time! 

I wanted to document this day and track my progress. So that's it for now. More to come.

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