Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sanity Savers...

Lets face it, this past year we have spent a lot of time inside thanks to RSV lock down, recovery for Addison, heat and rain. Some days the walls feel like they are closing in and other days I am so thankful that we really have no where to be and can spend the day hanging out in our PJ's and watching cartoons or playing games. Don't get me wrong we have therapist in to "visit" at least once a week, every week..but it still gets boring.

Yes we have visitors from time to time. Ya know, grandparents stop by and occasionally a friend or two. We have outings when we can (but really have you tried getting out the door and going some place with two rambunctious toddlers without one having a meltdown or running away?) It's always easier to have people come to us at this point.

Something I look forward to very much is visits with my cousin "B", she has a crazy work schedule but I love the fact that she often makes time for us on her days off. She even helps out with getting out and about with the babies once in awhile too which is AWESOME, she was kind enough to come to my house early and help me get to a family gather, and help wrangle two little ones until Jake could join us. They kids lover her. For the record she is week... yes a whole WEEK younger then me. I have never let her live this down either ;)

Today she came by for a visit. During nap time we sat around talking about old times when we were growing up and the things we used to get into at Grandma's house. It was good for my soul, and I am sure the twins were just as happy to have another person to play with besides Mommy. We even got to see one of my Godsons' and his family while out and about for a few minutes today, that's something we haven't done in a long time! Usually I am not even in their neighborhood, but today I was and they were outside so we were able to say hi and play for a few.

Another thing that also saves me from loosing my fragile mind is going out with my girlfriends. Last night was Ladies Night and I got to go out with four of my close friends for (GASP) adult drinks and dinner. I also may or may not have played a slot machine for the first time, but unfortunately I was not the friend with the lucky horse shoe. However I did enjoy seeing her excitement when she struck the gold. It was priceless. And it's always nice to get out and be one of the girls and get out of mommy mode for a few minutes.

Getting out by myself doesn't happen often because of Jake's work schedule, and God love the man he is way over due for a Guys Day too. But when I need a minute to myself, a bubble bath and a bottle glass of wine are always my go to once the twins are in bed.

Being a Stay At Home Mom, is an amazing blessing and it's not one I take for granted, but it's still important to find that balance for all of us. I am looking forward to getting out and about more as the twins get older and are able to run in opposite directions walk on their own.

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