Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Toddler Kisses...

Two things melt my heart every.single.time. And may or may not get them out of trouble every.single.time.

Those two things? "I love Momma" and Toddler Kisses. It makes all the tantrums and attitude worth while.

Blake was trying to get out of bedtime tonight and wanted to be sure I paid attention, hence the face grabbing.

Addison is so cute about her kisses, but rarely gives them.

And just because... I need to show you these next pictures. Seriously, where did my babies go?

Addison playing in the bathroom mirror after we brushed our teeth.

Seriously... How cute is she? 

Blake being a ham.

And this one....omgosh. I can't stand it. So grown.

I hope everyone is having a great week. Things are good here. Hubby's on late shift so I am able to go to the gym in the am without the kiddos while he so graciously does breakfast for them and spends quality time with them. It's been a win win for us all, though it messes with my internal clock a little because I usually wait up for him. It makes the days so...weird and broken up. I do enjoy the extra time with him though because all to soon it will be back to the grind and we will be ships passing in the night 6+ days a week.

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